Judit Darvas

student counsellor, gestalt therapist

“create a clearing in the dense forest of your life”

Martha Postlethwaite

gestalt therapy


Gestalt therapy is usually an extended process of self-reflection and experimentation with the primary objective of raising awareness.

Awareness of how we make sense of the world, of how we engage or disengage in situations, how we impact others and are impacted by others - this is a precursor of change. Once we have gained awareness, we may choose to stick to our habitual solutions or we may seek new ones. Instead of running on autopilot, such awareness allows us the freedom to choose our response in certain life situations.

Our habitual responses all have a function, all have become habitual for a certain purpose, but some may have become outdated in the meantime. While these ways of being were serving us in the past, they are making our lives more difficult, more constricted, more painful in the present. In gestalt self-awareness, we aim to gain freedom in our responses to life’s situations, and not be limited by our outdated and out-of-awareness ways of reacting.

In the non-judgemental, supportive, and confirming presence of a gestalt therapist, one can notice and stay with such ways of being, and can also experiment with alternative approaches. Flexibility, freedom, and an ability to respond to the actual situation (response-ability) can allow the person to form a more congruent relationship with him or herself, as well as with the environment.

Gestalt therapy is not considered a form of psychotherapy and does not qualify as a health service in Hungary.

student counselling


I believe that in our imperfect educational system students need tools and skills beyond the curriculum so that they can fully embrace and perceive education as potential for growth. My goal as a student counsellor is to empower students with study and life skills that will give them confidence, bring them success in their studies, and help them in the decisions regarding their own future.

Frequently raised issues in student counselling:

  • high school, college, university applications

  • study abroad

  • self-directed learning and motivation

  • exam-taking skills and time management

  • stress management, perfectionism

I work with students aged 14 and older.

about me


After graduating with an MSc in Economics I started working in the film business. Two decades, three children, a few Himalayan basecamps, lots of mountaintops and a few hundred hours of meditation later I took a turn in the direction of the helping professions. Having trained in several approaches, I finally made a commitment to the gestalt perspective and an emotion-focused therapy approach. In my private practice I work with adolescents and adults.

My approach is based on the views of humanistic-existential psychology. I believe that everyone has an innate desire and ability for self-realisation, and we all need environmental support for that in the form of attention, approval and appreciation. The key to a self-actualised existence lies in the constant balancing between a sense of security and an acceptance of insecurity. We need stability, but in order to grow, we must also allow for change. Between the two lies our freedom.

Real presence, a non-judgemental attitude, acceptance, trust, respect, belief in the client and empathy are my most valuable assets in the helping professions.

I am a member of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy EAGT (accreditation no.: 23-3515) and the international society for Emotion Focused Therapy isEFT.

fees and contact


The consultation fee is 15.000 Ft for 60 minutes.